Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hillary Did Not Win

Four years ago the Republicans were given a stunning rebuke for their wars, domestic spying, torture, bailouts and all the other evils of big government Republicanism.  Good on the American people for rejecting that.  Foolish to believe a democrat would be any different.  This time the choice was between Romeny's war and bailouts, or Obama's bailouts and war.  It was a very tight race. But it shows 94% of USA voters want bailouts and war, in some order.  They voted for no change, which is very irresponsible.

Do keep in mind that only some 60% or eligible voters voted, which is encouraging.  Whole lotta Ron Paul People stayed home.  So the 47% percent that want war and bailouts and the 47% that wants bailouts and war is really only about 56% of USA voters.  So I guess we can refer to the 44% who want to be free of war and bailouts.  Better then 6%.

The game plan in this election was divide and conquer.  Everyone who voted for either Romney or Obama voted for deep division (and over ephemeral differences.)  Hate comments are virulent and viral on the internet.  Since neither candidate had any plan that would possibly make a difference, we are going to get more of the same.  Good and hard.

Those who voted for Romney or Obama cannot complain about what happens next, because they made it happen with their votes.   We who voted for neither, or did not vote, can complain, because the only chance for a difference was if the voters joined us.  This won't go well, but being self-employed is the most revolutionary act you can make.  Let's go, 44%.

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