Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meanwhile, Back In China...

As the FDA seeks more funding to provide street theatre regulation, the Chinese are interested in lambic beer.

According to wikipedia:

Unlike conventional ales and lagers, which are fermented by carefully cultivated strains of brewer's yeasts, lambic beer is produced by spontaneous fermentation: it is exposed to the wild yeasts and bacteria that are said to be native to the Senne valley, in which Brussels lies. It is this unusual process which gives the beer its distinctive flavour: dry, vinous, and cidery, usually with a sour aftertaste.

Traditional beer brewer Cantillon in Belgium

Now that airborne microorganisms are very important to food and health.  An excellent book to read on this is Salt, by Kurlansky.

Salt is a preservative, but so is fermentation.  And in its relation to salt, Kurlansky has some wonderful stories about fermentation as a preservative too.  With fermentation you get so many good bugs that eat bad bugs.  Stories in this book may lead you to some excellent business ideas, if you love food.  It did one of my daughters, who read this when she was ten.  At a Ritz Carlton Hotel.  She was carrying it in the elevator when a man noticed it.  He had read it.  They discussed it together.  Quite funny.  It is not written at a ten year old level, and my kid is not brilliant (well, I think so) it's just that she was home schooled and such kids can handle more advanced stuff.

In medicine, bugs eating bugs is called bacteriophage.  We cannot have this in USA, because the FDA forbids anything that threatens the profits of Big Drug. Never mind bacteriophages have been used for nearly a century in the Republic of Georgia, and are advanced.  But do notice there is a wonderful "medical tourism" destination in Tbilisi.

What the FDA does allow, and covers for, and ignores when it happens, is when bad bugs get into medicine and kills people, as outlined in the blogpost below.

Lambic beer, raw cheese, tofu, all sorts of items have wonderful health benefits if allowed to be made and distributed.

With the arrival of fascism in USA, compliments of the progressives,  we switched from small is beautiful to "get big or get out."  All was collectivized.  Our mass transportation and mass banking plus onerous regulating crushed the small business. Beer had to be Budweiser, cheese Velveeta, and tofu toxic.  Hazardous waste from aluminum smelting was dumped into the drinking water supply (except in places where aluminum is smelted, because they know.)

A young man with a passion for healthy foods and a joy in recreating the good things emailed me today.  He asked where he should base his business.  He covered various options.  Curiously, I thought, he did not mention USA.  Well, he probably already knows.  He was thinking China, where people are free to develop good things.

On one hand I worry that so many young people are going into only one field (that matters), and that is food.  On the other hand, there is probably no field that more desperately needs a revolution.  But between good health, fine food and the obese American is the FDA, protecting Fritos and crushing the small raw milk farmer.

Eliminate the FDA entirely (and cut the govt budget by that much), take the social security numbers of all employees, and forbid them to ever work for a government again.  Force them to come onto the other side, and be productive citizens.

We need a renaissance in food and drugs in USA.  Let it start with unregulating both.

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