Monday, November 26, 2012

USA Choptstick Export To China

In labor rates don't matter, case 193.435.583, USA is exporting chopsticks to China. An immigrant, of course, saves a Georgia town.  Sigh.  350 million Americans and no one here could figure out "sell chopsticks to the Chinese?"

Get rid of welfare (both Romney and Obama versions) and we'll be selling Egg Foo Yung to the Chinese, along with anything and everything else.  We are not competitive because of our economic policies.

IN January our decisions will be made for us, and a pretty good one: gun it out over the fiscal cliff.  it's a good start.  Get taxes and interest rates up to 91%, for a week or so, and clear out the derivatives markets and wipe out the pretensions of wealth.    Then there will be more opportunity than we can imagine.

But war is easier to start, because in a democracy it takes extremely few people to get one going.

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