Sunday, December 23, 2012

First Vs Last Samurai, 10 Points

At the demise of an epoch people look back to a golden age that never was.  There was a movie called the Last Samurai, in which curiously, the last samurai turned out to be a yankee officer.  Whimsical!  No, the Mayan calendar thing was never going to happen, and the fiscal cliff will result in a slight uptick in the false economy.  But otherwise, it is not the end of the world.  Being the last anything is to call for defeat.

Forget about the end of anything, and focus on the beginning.  never mind the romantic "Last Samurai," become the first samurai, given the circumstances we are in.

Capitalism and communism both create a terrible mismatch.  In capitalism we have an economy with many people who want something for nothing, what we call “entitlements.”   Think Mirosoft, Boeing, Google, Walmart, and to a lesser degree, people to whom the mayor of Detroit was referring when he observed we are an entitlement society.

We do have productive members of society, the butcher, the baker the candlestick maker but often their work is generally misallocated, and therefore unable to carry the weight.  It sets up a wonderful class struggle, the stuff of capitalism and communism.

It is this malinvestment in the form of misallocation and overinvestment that has a fisherman coding Java at $9 an hour when subsidized massive fish processing plants are scrapong the oceans clean clean of life, with a little help from BP, so we will depend on Archer Daniels Midland to be the Frankenfood Supermarket to the World.  When you vote, you renew your demand to be oppressed.  

So what do we do? 

1. Accept this system is not ideal, or even good.

2. Look at how it works, and then start looking at alternatives.   There is an alternative in place at all times. Read outside the canon.  Kill your TV, lay waste any video games.

3. Begin to figure out what you truly love, and seek that passion/joy balance.  Search this site with those terms and you’ll find lots.

4. Forget about success, which is defined by others, and concentrate on happiness, which is experienced by your self.

5. Dont’ keep score on yourself. Don’t look at what you are getting, look at the good you are doing.  The rest will follow.  And dont keep score on others. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord”  

6. Don’t be afraid of a profit.  You’d be surprised at how much people will pay for such a small narrow help.  Think Nike.

7. You cnanot know what will come next, what “prepping” you will do will be perfectly useless in the face of reality.  

8.  never think “self-employed” always thing “customer-employed.”  If you are an employee in the traditional sense, change your mind from being an employee of that company to that company is your client.  You already lend your employer money, now think about how you will make him successful, so you can add it to your portfolio when you move on from your resent job in a feww weeks, or at most, months.

9.  Stay out of the American “health care system”  Act as if it does not exist.  Having said that, now look at alternatives.  They are plenty, cheaper, superior.  You just have never heard of them.

10. Steve Jobs changed the world and millions gladly followed.  People will follow.    Forget aboutt eh end, and the last Samurai.  Be the first samurai.

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