Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Remembering Kosovo

Remember the war in Kosovo?  You know, where we went to help out in a civil war?  During the Clinton Administration.  You don't remember?  The people of Kosova do.  The even put up a statue to Bill Clinton.

NY Times

Madeleine “Half million starved kids is a price worth it” Albright's Albright Capital Management, James W. Pardew, Clinton's special envoy to the Balkans are in state telecommunications.  General Wesley Clark is deep in the minerals sector.

The New York Times puts it well:
"So many former American officials have returned to Kosovo for business — in coal and telecommunications, or for lobbying and other lucrative government contracts — that it is hard to keep them from colliding."

See how it goes.  We conquer a country, and those who do the dirty work divvy up the spoils.  This is not America, but it is what you pay for.  This is one reason they hate us.

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