Thursday, January 31, 2013

All Hail The Icelandic Rejectionist Line!

The Icelandic people rose up against their political masters and rejected the politicians' effort to enslave them forever, as was done to Haiti two centuries ago by Haiti politicians.

The plan was to saddle Icelanders with unrepayable debts owed to foreign speculators.  The politicians promised than any rejection of the spurious "debts" would result in the eternal collapse of the Icelandic economy.

False.  Iceland has recovered where Ireland, Italy, Spain, Greece etc have all agreed to be perpetually in debt in regards to putative obligations to foreign bankers.

Iceland refused to pay the sum, as its financial crisis had nearly bankrupt the entire country, prompting the UK to invoke terrorist legislation to seize Landsbanki’s UK assets.
The UK has since been pressing Iceland to repay not just the £2.35bn of principal but also the interest bill to British taxpayers. Initially, the UK requested interest of 5pc before adjusting its demand to between 3pc and 3.3pc a year from 2009 to 2016. Both requests were rejected by the Icelandic public in two referendums.

The Icelandic politicians and their co-conspirators attempted to sue the Icelandic people for repudiating the debts.  The EU court ruled in favor of the Icelandic people.

All is this debt is mere paper.  It is not associated with anything but promised future income streams.  If the debt is repudiated, then those humans who have the "right" to the income streams would simply have to find gainful employment instead of living off those income streams, fat and happy.

There is no risk of any dire consequences from repudiating these debts.  At worst, billionaires become millionaires.  The real game is libido dominandi, the simple pleasure of knowing millions of people have no lives of their own, they are enslaved by debt they never agreed to.

Now when one demon is cast out seven return, so Iceland may be subject to other forms of retaliation for their act of self-determination.  But Iceland has never been in a war, perhaps because Iceland is cold and it does not bother their soldiers.

Soldiers Chillin'
The real surprise is in Ireland, of all places, the people voted to enslave themselves for another 400 years to the British, this after gaining freedom less than a century ago.  I guess that just goes to show,  violent change is no change at all.

As I understand it, most of the Iceland bloodstock is Celt, who were kidnapped by Norsemen to be used as slaves in Iceland.  If so, what a successful slave uprising in Iceland, but not Ireland.  Perhaps Ireland needs a king, someone with self-respect to challenge the UK monarch.

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