Monday, January 21, 2013

Clarification on ImportGenius, Panjiva, PIERS, etc

On Jan 19, 2013, at 6:45 PM, J wrote:

I refer to your blog comment and would like to check if you know of any free sources that provide the same data as what ImportGenius is Selling? Thanks so much for yr help.


I am not sure I said I provide the same data as ImportGenius for free, I think I said their data is pointless and I offer the source of other free info that is very useful, if you are serious about building a business.  Anyone who wants the info provided by panjiva, importgenius, PIERS, etc, is delusional about what matters in business.

Anyway, here it is:

(I send out a .pdf on what info matters, where it is, and how to analyze it.)

Let me know how it works out for you.


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