Sunday, January 6, 2013

Coming To You: Flu

I've been blogging on the flu for years, for anything so intensively managed by the state is bound to go round.  Drudge has a scare graph showing all states with reports of flu, and give the impression of Stalingrad conditions.  18 children dead!  Well, how many die of it each year, how many actually died of the flu, and so on.  Every year it is the same thing, and afterwards we find out it is largely hoax.  One constant is the flu vaccine on offer never addresses the flu going through the population.

Solution: unregulate medicine.  Let every pharmacy in USA make its own flu vaccine, locally, with everything ready to go to fight the strain that emerges.  Regulation leaves us with a few heavily regulated factories spewing out poisons.

Here is an excellent image of America.  Champaign Illinois government paid firefighters stand by while a man drowns.  (I could not finish watching the horrible video.) Citizens who begin to organize to save the man are threatened by police with arrest.  the result of letting this man drown will be calls for more money for the city fire department.  Yes, I understand a rescue of someone drowning is tricky, and there are rules to follow, I know, I have my Red Cross water safety card, and lifesaving 101, do not get near a drowning person.  They will kill you.   Plenty of people die each year trying to save a drowning person.  But I also know that fifty men with ladders, ropes, and tough guys willing to wade in for a three minute romp in the water can save a life.  Unless there are paid firefighters and cops around.

This happened in Alameda, Ca, and many other places.  And the answer is always the same.  Fire departments need more budget.  This goes on in the UK as well, where paid firefighters refused to wade into a 3 foot deep pond to help a man who drowned.

Volunteer firefighters are willing to break the rules, with level heads, and get the job done.

We have the means to get these jobs done, flu and water rescue.  by turning too much work over to too narrow a group we all stand by while they non-perform.  Why?  We can have health and safety if we want it.  We already have the capacity?  Why do we elect to turn it over to a group too small to help us?

Paid firefighters are about what is in it for them.  Volunteers are about getting the job done.

A fire or rescue is an economic event, but not a market event.  The market cannot address the problem of a disaster like a fire or a drowning person.  Therefore, it is best dealt with by charities, such as volunteer fire fighters ( which is a tradition world wide in history, and paid fire fighters only showed up with progressivism).  Flu on the other hand is an economic event that can easily be dealt with in the market.  That should be unregulated.

We've got the means.  Or do we prefer to stand by and watch a man drown?  People get sick with massive flu vaccine available, but the wrong one?  We can change this.  With a little freedom.

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