Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Spain to Support Small & Medium Businesses With Loans

Except businesses don't need loans to survive, they need customers.  And wealth is not built on debt, it is built on savings.  Mish has a story on these loans.

This is the work of clueless politicians, trying something, anything.  It won't work.  At some point it all falls apart.  And then the poor politicians have no one to boss around.

Spain needs to eliminate much of its government so people can be free to produce.  Spaniards need to work in a productive way and not look to the state to solve problems, if that is the problem.  Never been to Spain myself, so I have no idea of the level of entrepreneurship or state-dependency.

Freedom is always the answer.  If people can handle it.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

Or you can leave Spain for a better country...

If you wait that the goverment will magically change and give you more freedom... you can keep waiting until the day you die.

Spain is screwed it doesn´t have enough space to hire all the educated profesionals that come out from its universities many of them emigrate to Latin America in search of greater opportunities.

In Portugal is even worse more than one fifth of the youth that come out of universites are leaving the country because they can´t just find a job.. It is very sad what is going in Europe and I am afraid we (latinamericans) we are heading in the same direction...