Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Even More on 15 Points

But John those people in Norway are selling their design to other countries or are they just serving their local market...

The local market is almost always the most important market in international trade, but they are doing both.

I mean I cannot believe someone in Norway, a country of 5 million people, could be thriving just importing and selling to his Norwegian customers...

Why can’t you believe it?  In 1800 the population of the UK was ten million.  people sailed halfway around the world for tea to sell to that population.

In your chapter of costings and getting sales-reps, if I am not mistaken, I though that I would need a great market if I wanna secure a minimum amount of products in a workable amount of time...

A great market may help, but what makes you think it is necessary, or sufficient?  What if a great market like trying to get a sip of water from a gushing sewer pipe, but a small market is like trying to get a sip from a water from a  garden hose?  What if because a market like Norway is fairly homogenous, there is not particular need to target market, and you actually “secure a minimum amount of products in a workable amount of time...” faster?  The fact is you do not know, and should test it.

No I didn´t mean to target all 300 millions american but. The market in the USA will be bigger for any kind of product compared to my country of 17 millions just considering the amount of potential consumers... 

Am I mistaken?

***Yes, you are mistaken.  There is no such thing as “potential customers” short of the definition of ready, willing and able.  Ready willing and able only occurs upon an offer to sell to someone ready willing and able to buy.  

Someone might be ready, as in the need a good sweater now, and they see yours.  And they are able, because they have the money.  But they are not willing because they do not like your design.

Someone might be willing, as in the need a good sweater now, and they see yours, and they like your design.  And they are able, because they have the money.  But they are not ready because they want to see other options.

Someone might be able, as in they have the money, and they like your design, but they are not willing because they don’t need or want another sweater.  

Now salesmen can work to overcome those objections, but the low-hanging fruit is to get in front of those ready willing and able to buy now  In USA, that means coering the whole country, and we have the means to do so.  In Norway, given homogeniety, it may be easier to find the ready willing and able for your item.  In USA, they just may be far fewer and far more geographically apart.

Again, we know absolutely nothing about the markets we approach. There are people who buy, and those who do not.  The people who buy must be approached in some way.  Hence my point on reaching all 350 million americans, especially in light of ready willing and able, being a non-starter.

Since we cannot know, we test first.  Then we know a little bit, but only enough to go to the next step.

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