Monday, February 11, 2013

Horse Meat Lasagna Recall

I don't recall eating horsemeat, but I recall I had snake 2 years ago I think, and I've eaten cat, dog, armadillo, pigeon (it's just squab) and so on.  Eating horsemeat is no different that eating any other meat...   in for a dime, in for a dollar.

The first man to eat an oyster must have been very hungry.  We all eat things that make others sick, purely on a social conditioning basis.

But the horsemeat lasagna was supposed to be beef, and some think the "error" is actually criminal conspiracy.

I hope this helps people understand that the meat inspectors inspect nothing except sometime after the fact.  And only mass merchandising makes this mischief possible.  There is no upside for a local butcher in substituting horsemeat  when he may save 50 cents a pound for a week or so especially when the downside is a complete boycott and destruction of his biz if people found out.

One the other hand, savings of 50 cents a pound on a million pounds makes for a half million straight to the bottom line profit.  And if someone gets caught, well, they will be too big to fail so the sanction will be "admit no wrongdoing, pay a small fine" making sure it happens again.

The best defense against this is to rid ourselves of all 'inspectors" so people grow their atrophied skepticism, and look out for themselves, as they should and can anyway.

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