Saturday, February 2, 2013

Regulating Burger King Horsemeat

The UK has more strict regulations than even the USA, and even there the regulators do not keep up.  It was private entities that found the horsemeat and pork in the "all-beef" Burger King.

Personally I've even cat, dog several kinds of snake, armadillo, pigeon (what do you think "squab" is?) and plenty of "don't ask."  I've also eaten raw oyster, raw fish eggs and raw sea urchin roe, if you want to talk nasty.  And when I cook a duck, I save the organs to chop up and throw in a meatloaf, so I can eat the organs too. Otherwise, duck organs are not appetizing to me.

Even if they did find meat in meat, gee whiz... no one checks for things that are allowed in USA and UK, for example some chemicals so nasty that they are banned everywhere else, and Singapore offers a $450,000 fine on anyone caught using it.  But those things are in the McRib.

The main reason companies can getaway with this is because most people believe the FDA, etc protect them from such depredations.  Exactly the opposite is true.  We need reputations, not depredations.

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