Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sally Jewell, Outsider

Apropos to the post below on cooperatives, Pres. Obama has nominated Sally Jewell, head of REI as Sec of the Interior.

REI is the once-upon-a-time cooperative dedicated to outdoor recreation.  It was formed about the time of Mondragon.  It has millions of members, and is now international with Japan operations.  It is member-owned, with some 12 million members now.  When I joined in my youth, we had only some tens of thousands.

Sally Jewell certainly contributed to that growth, and good on her, and congrats on a position she no doubt never imagined she'd assume.  And no doubt she is astonished as anyone to hear she is an outsider, according to Pres. Obama.

An outsider?  Sally Jewell is a banker, of the WaMU-associated version, and got her start with oil companies. In USA one cannot get more status as an insider than that of a banker AND oil exec.  Yet, there we are, being told we are getting bold new directions because we voted for Obama.  Nothing of the sort.

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