Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spanish Prime Minister Financial Scandal

Ahead of schedule, the Spanish Prime Minister is being brought down by a financial scandal.  Mish is covering it well, but Mish has been fooled by a subtle tactic.

Do the numbers match? If not, why not? Instead we have a pair of sideshows regarding a font and whether or not the money was declared. 
Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/#SqBteTHjORhs8GSM.99 

Wait, Mish, there is another alternative.  The documents "leaked" are bad copies of the originals, and purposely so.  When they are sent to forensics for authentication, forensics will discover the ink is the wrong era (did you know they make micro changes to ink so they can compare the date it was made to a date on a document?) and a few other "problems" which will prove the documents in hand are not authentic.  The authentic documents, proving scandal true, are buried or destroyed.

The People cannot follow a complex trail, denials won't work, so confusion is sown instead.  Those who tell the truth are made to look like fools or knaves when the "evidence" has been doctored to appear false.

The powers that be tripped up Dan Rather with precisely this technique when he found smoking gun documents that Pres. Geo Bush junior dodged the draft.  Plenty of people had seen and knew about the documents, too many to control the narrative.  So re-write the evidence word for word, signature for signature, using technology not available in 1968, destroy the originals.  Feed the fakes to Dan Rather, and then what many swear to recall seeing over the years turns out to be only a forgery.  Memories right,  proof "forged," problem goes away in fog of confusion.

It's too early to have a Prime Minister go down in Scandal.  I bet Rajoy beats this.  Watch for a cloud of confusion.

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