Friday, February 15, 2013

What To Do In Meteor Shower

There was a civil defense poster back in the 1960's that said what to do in the case of a nuclear bomb.

1.  Take cover behind a heavy object.

2. Sit down and draw your legs up to your chest.

3. Place your head firmly between your knees.

4. Kiss your ass good-bye.

If this is just the fore-runner of a few hundred thousand more starting at 11:30 am Pacific Coast time, or so, then things will be very different after a few days.  My advice is still the same... start a business, give credit, but never charge interest.  You'll recover quickest.

If you survive.  This is good video...

And here....

Russians just do not know how to panic...  we'll show 'em if one hits here!

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