Friday, March 8, 2013

Designer Martha Stewart Charges 4% Royalty

To start you need massive amounts of specific information about your industry.  We once had to move into a library to gather up this info, and a test of the joy we find in working on solutions was the fact we'd prefer a library to a sunny day.

Now we can sit in the sun and research.  One question I often get is what is the royalty rate in X industry paid to designers.  Well, I dunno.  I know what I've paid in my industry, but no idea about yours.  So eery start up has to do some existential research.  And here, compliments of Ergin, is an example of what you will find:

10:26 AM Her royalty payment with Macy's was 4 percent — an increase every year.

Read more:

Now this is buried in a twitter feed attached to an article on a Martha Stewart lawsuit. Sure saves time over going to public records and looking up the lawsuit transcripts.  The internet has lowered the cost of research, and thus improved transparency, making competing on design all the more critical.

And did you know Martha Stewart picked up some pocket money while in school modelling?  Caution, you'll fall in love!

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