Saturday, April 13, 2013

Blogging as a Prerequisite to Start-Up

If you have the slightest inkling you may someday start a business, begin blogging it now.  google will give you a free blog, and the cognoscente say Wordpress is the way to go (too complicated for me.)

What you do is create a blog on your topic.  Have google each day send you any and all news articles from around the world that cover your topic, such as wool sweaters, whatever.  Read a few, and they will get you to think.    Now this is important:  write your thoughts on the article content on your blog, excerpt something interesting from the article, and then link to the original article so your readers can go to the source.

A critical step is to "tag" each post.  Say "wool yarn development".  Maybe every two weeks there is an article on that, but since they are tagged, your blog will aggregate all those posts together so you and your eventual readers can tap into that resource.

Expect no readers for weeks if not months.  You have to build up a backlog of posts before you begin to attract traffic.  And then you start to find curious things, like topics people find interesting.  Here is a throw-away post that surprisingly has hundreds of hits a day in spite of the fact it is a couple of weeks old.

The internet makes imperative what was always just a good idea: transparency, traceability, responsibility.

By blogging everything, the whole world knows what you are doing and thinking, transparency.  Your premises are cited (which will translate into traceability in your products) and ultimately responsibility.  You demonstrate you are engaged in the world around you, critical in business.

Search engine ranking is partially fed by blog activity.  Get your blog going now, no matter when you plan to start up.  And eventually you will use your blog to announce your start-up.  But get going now...

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