Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Free Markets In Medicine

I recall as a child, before we had Medicare, how families would put their elderly and sick out on the street to die, because we did not have universal health care, which is a human right.


Actually before Medicare there was no health care provision problems to speak of.    Having the gift of ADD, I was often in the emergency room.    Visits were cheap, my parents paid cash.

Big medical expenses were written off, the poor got free healthcare, and hospitals were run by Christian orders so there were much cheaper than nonprofit.  But as is always the case with government, a big solution to a problem that does not exist is in order.

People want to change the system back.  It ain't gonna happen.  But if you are an anarchist, you can understand the system and do good while doing well, in spite of the system.  If you have an hour, here is a pretty good example of anarchy in health care, USA division.

Let those who pride themselves in Soviet Healthcare have it.  As long as we anarchists can operate, we'll be fine.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

actually pioneers in New England had 'smother parties.' They had to work very hard to keep alive and when one became too infirm and needed too much care so that the survival of the firm was threatened, everyone would get drunk, throw blankets on top of the infirm one, climb on and drink some more. In the morning they would have a wake and moarn the one who changed worlds.

John Wiley Spiers said...

People murder others for all sorts of reasons, but the bottom line is they murder because they like to murder, they prefer it to any alternative. I am sure some sober up and regret it later, but human sacrifice, murder, is always about trying to improve one's own lot by murdering someone else. It never works.

And medicare was introduced in the 1960s, not the 1660s, so there is no excuse for medicare.