Saturday, April 27, 2013

Greece: Divide and Conquer

Greece is failing for sclerosis and plans to save the country by cutting back on the civil service, freeing people to work in the private sector.  Nice plan.  But wait!

The mass layoffs were announced last week in a televised address by the Greek prime minister himself,Antonis Samaras. Despite the massive unemployment in Greece, the goal of the government has become the laying off of 180,000 civil servants by 2015. “This is not a human sacrifice," said Prime Minister Samaras. “It’s an upgrading of the public sector and it’s one demand of Greek society.”
Samaras though, promised new positions to be created: “An equal number [of employees] will be hired on merit,” he added.

How will this help?

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Anonymous said...

Swedens debt was close 100% of GDP in the 90's as Sweden had gone from public sector of 10% of BNP in 1950's close to 70% in 1980's. We didn't have the same kind of financial help as Greece has today and somehow we managed to get ourselves out of it. Every greek person I've spoken to thinks EU is being unfair on them but the austerity measures they suggest are ones that would need to be taken anyway. Of course, the alternative would be to give free loans with no demands at all, unfortunately that is not how things work int he real world.