Sunday, May 19, 2013

Farrakhan on Detroit

You see in Detroit what a downward spiral state intervention n an economy can do.  Motown was doing fine until it began to get protections and subsidies.   The made for a temporary increase in revenues, and that led to malinvestment, misallocation and the public service employees benefits that now have broken the finances of the city.

Detroit could go back to a world class automobile center for the reasons it became one in the first place.  But the claims of all of the retirees on any future activity in Detroit mean there is no hope for one side or the others. Either the retirees' pensions must be repudiated or the hopes and dreams of creative, freedom loving people must be denied.  Yet, if the hopes and dreams of creative, freedom loving people must are denied, those pensioners will be repudiated anyway.

The way forward would be to form on the peninsula upon which Detroit resides a special economic zone in USA such as China has in Hong Kong.  It would take leadership to accomplish this.  Perhaps that leader has stepped forward.

Louis Farrakhan has called on Christian preachers of some African heritage in Detroit to join him in restoring Detroit.
“The city abandoned, crime and violence rampant, and the governor has seen fit to take away the rights of the voting public,” Farrakhan said, referring to putting someone in charge of the city’s finances that wasn’t elected. “I don’t know what democracy really means if you can be given the right to vote and then somebody can take it away.”
Farrakhan may be barking up the wrong tree.  Are Negro Christian pastors leaders?  Or are they too compromised?
Miss Sanger developed a strategy called “The Negro Project.” That strategy sought to employ black professionals and preachers to aid in the extermination black people. Sanger said:
[We propose to] hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
I would not limit doubtful leadership to negro Christian pastors, I think the people of Detroit would be hard pressed to find any Christian pastors who have no been bought and paid for.

On the other hand Detroit has remarkable private initiatives that directly replace the odious "public services" that have destroyed Detroit:

There never was an rational argument for city provided police protection, but now that the city cannot provide police protection, private individuals are offering superior service -

Another crazy idea is that a city would provide transportation.  Now that Detroit cannot, entrepreneurs have stepped in to fill the gap.

There is actually an org called Detroit Black Food Security Network such is the fear of being short of food.  Well, private companies again...

Farrakhan is a separatist which makes him an ideal for a movement to separate Detroit from USA.  Given the crazy racist comments on the article above mentioning Farrakhan, maybe enough American would welcome a separate Detroit.  But if Farrakhan wants to revived Detroit, he should ally with people who produce, the small business people who can create a replacement for the government that destroyed Detroit.

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