Thursday, May 9, 2013

Get Big or Get Out

There was a time maybe 100 years ago when progressives though big government/big business was the way to go.  At that time the term commonly used for the federal government was the general government.    Top offices were called the attorney general, inspector general, solicitor general, etc.  To this day legislative committees use the term general to refer to the federal government.  Big government/ big business united is the definition of fascism.

When this idea was gaining popularity, people formed companies with a view to becoming one with the "general'" (federal) government.  Businesses were incorporated with the names General Motors, General Foods, General Mills, General Electric, General Dynamics, General Insurance, General Tire and so on down to companies that were never quite able to ascend to the heights of fascism.  GNC is General Nutrition Company, started in the 1930s.  Government and business as one was the future.

The goal has been largely achieved, to the point where in 1970s Sec of Ag Earl Butz could say the ag policy of USA is "get big or get out."  That is proving a bit of a problem, when quality and safety issues plague Big Ag.  Big Ag cannot be reduced as quickly as it was built up.  There is the problem of orderly rebalancing.  And jealousy of one's privileges.

But the work is going on with a renaissance of good eating in USA.  The good food costs more per pound than the frankenfoods, but it is exponentially more healthy.  So you eat less, and stress your body less.

Also, world hunger would probably disappear if Americans were to just chew their food.  We have so much and it is so cheap that we gulp massive amounts down.  This is poorly processed and leads to obesity and disease.  We were designed to chew food to liquefaction and then swallow.  What is swallowed is processed.

So it is with the body politic.  It gulps too much without using in and has gotten obese and diseased.  The Soviets called it collectivization.  The problem was no one could tell what prices were, and the system failed.  We are that much in the dark ourselves.

An act of revolution: buy good food and chew it well.

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