Sunday, May 5, 2013

No Secrets In Business - All Hail Transparency

As I write in my book, every industry is a village and no one has any secrets.  The internet brought a lowering of cost and widening of access to only two areas:

1. Communication.

2. Research.

I detail in my book how we were all on the mailing lists of our competitors for their catalogs, not so we could steal their ideas, but to make sure were were not doing the same thing, and they were not yet stealing ours.  If and when we ever saw the same thing somewhere else, then we would withdraw and work on other products, since, obviously someone else was working on that given idea.  Intellectual property rights or lawsuits or whatever was never in it.  There never were secrets in business, and that is a good thing.

As we sink into corporate fascism, there are people who are showing the free market still works.  One of the areas we most badly need deregulation is medicine.  Comes now a doctor who is reducing the price of surgery, by posting surgery prices online.  And guess what, when there is transparency, there are profits to be made charging 1/10th the price the "not for profit" hospitals charge:


now everyone knows..

There is simply no reason for the state involved in medicine.  We need no Romney/Obamacare, in a free market medicine would be cheap and plentiful.

I might add this private surgery center is a return to the days when there were doctors with offices on many street corners, with their own "surgery" on premises.  That is now in effect a crime.  What I did not know that now in most states, to offer medical services, say to open a  new hospital, you need a "Certificate of Need."

What is that?  Well, there is a person who pulls down $250,000 a year working for the state leading a committee who decides if it is in the public interest to have more medical care available.  This is curious, rationing when there is no shortage.  Raw evil.

The good doctor calls it crony capitalism.  Washington State requires this, and once the Catholic hospitals, which owned their buildings and were truly non-profit, with the highly trained, highly motivated nuns who ran the joint being paid literally nothing, gave up their hospitals to HMO managers, etc, the Catholics were out of the hospital game.  And now because of CON, the cannot get back in.  Once you accept the state can say something, it can then say anything.

How do you feel about a state employee decided how much medical service there should be?  Why is medical service different from say,  education?

One more advantage of decentralized medicine... MRSA and other superbugs are easier to control in decentralized surgery centers.  It's a big secret about that latent killer in the collective hospitals. and there is a solution.  The free market.

The chief reason the state makes medical records secret is to protect the state and its genocidal scientific racism being carried out in Obama/Romneycare.  No one can spot what is going on.  An excellent business opportunity would be a website where people posted all of their medical care to a database, and therein at once stored their medical records and made them public to the world.

With that database researchers could study patterns and pick out right from wrong in medicine, and catch crimes being committed.   Such a website could has an app attached so all medical care is instantly updated as you received it.

Lawyers could find the oppty to sue malicious pharmaceutical companies, people could see what medicine actually works, and give early warning when,as often is the case, the cure is worse than the disease.

If we wanted an economic recovery beyond what we had with the dotcom and internet build-out, we just need to deregulate medicine.

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