Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2013 is 2008 on Steroids

With effective election fraud, the powers-that-be were able to double down on the Bush economic policies under Obama in spite of the majority objections.  They kicked the can down the road, and another crack-up is here.  Check out the latest few reports by Mish. In 2008 we were fat and tan on a luxury yacht with plenty of stores as we sailed into the bust.  In 2013 we are skinny, sun burned, shipwrecked with no reserves as we drift into this storm.

Instead of economic reform, we are treated to the revelations of theft of telephone records as an existential threat, unknown to America since the founding.  Treason!  Danger!  If you have not wet your pants, something is wrong with you.  Maybe, you are a Moslem.  This whole thing would be hilarious if the people in charge were smart, or even only decent.  They are far from either.  Election fraud does that to a country.  But when the security apparatus has something on everyone, well, end of story.  What goes around comes around.

No one can prepare for what is coming, except to have a viable business.  Get busy.

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