Saturday, June 8, 2013

Monsanto Law Backfires

The USA Supreme Court wrote a private law for Monsanto that is already backfiring.    Some farmer cannot sell his crop because GMO frankengrain showed up in it.

In a very weird result, Monsanto is calling their product showing up in a crop an act of sabotage.  Now pause for a minute, "sabotage?"  When is grain growing like sabotage?  Let 's get visual.


Grain Growing.

How are the two alike?  What kind of company issues a press release that claims their product doing what it does is an act of sabotage?  Is there any point at which people will say, "no more of this nonsense."?

Now perhaps Monsanto is merely admitting what very many assume: and that is the structure of the frankenfood itself is a clear and present danger.    Monsanto and the US Supreme Court admitted as much when they ruled 9-0 that Monsanto needs an exception to the normal market processes.  Surely 9-0 recognizes that something is wrong with Monsanto.

Now, I for one have no idea if frankenfoods are dangerous.  They scare me, and I even feel bad when I get near them.  There are very many anecdotal stories about their degenerate effects.  But science, I believe, is lacking.  It is clear science is being suppressed on Frankenfoods, as it was on tobacco for so long, which heightens my alarm, but the science is not convincing yet.  But that is not the point.  Whether or not the science is pro or con, the fact that a company gets massive subsidies and is preferred in many ways by state regulation and Monsanto's ownership of regulators and the Supreme Court, crushes competition and puts way too much power over something far too critical in too few hands.  The few people to whom the Supreme Court granted special economic rights simply do not have the capacity to manage the crisis that will inevitably follow this concentration of power.  We will all suffer.

We truly do need to eliminate the US Supreme Court as a feature of our government.  It may have been a good idea in theory, but it has failed us consistently over the last 250 years, each time it matters.
There is this idea that if we give people lifetime appointments they will do the right thing.  Why would we think that?  God gave us lifetime appointments to our lives and we are all wicked.  Does being appointed to the Supreme Court make you automatically good?  You get appointed to the Supreme Court if you spend 25 years in the law putting out for BigBiz/BigGovt.  When you will clearly stick with the plan, then you can be trusted with the plan.  Rush Limbaugh once said "nobody tells me what to say on the air."  Well, no one has to.  Everyone knows exactly what he will say.  When it was revealed Gloria Steinem was a CIA asset, she insisted no one ever asked her to inform on progressives.  Well, no one had to ask her.  Once people get the program, you can leave them be.  We have nine on the Supreme Court because who knows, someday one might go crazy and actually rule consistent with the constitution.

  We need something else.  There are so many better proven options. But that is for another day.  For now we must learn from Daniel: stick to your religion, feed the dragon hairball and eat the Judean's lunch.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

I really wouldn't fear genetically modified food. Humankind has been modifying plants (grain, fruits, etc.) and animals (farm animals like goats, cows, pigs, and horses, etc.) for a long time - before humans really understood how the science actually worked. People understood that certain characteristics can be passed on to future generations. Just breeding plants with other plants with favorable traits (e.g. disease resistance, taste, color, fruit yield, weather hardiness, etc.) to increase its expression level or presence in the plant line. The same idea has been understood in animal breeding as well.

Genetic engineering is just a more precise and scientific way of altering characteristics in plants and animals. I believe the general public has an irrational fear of this technology.

John Wiley Spiers said...

There is a huge difference between Mendelian hybridization which occurs naturally in nature and what you term merely "precise" GMO. Surely you see a difference between what can occur when a Swede has children with an American Indian and what scientists can come up when genetically modifying human life forms in a petri dish. They keep coming up with very scary stuff that way. Just because we can does not mean we should.

And you missed the point of my post, which you did not address: When does it make sense to concentrate so much power in the hands os so few? Monsanto would be no where without its massive subsidies.

Anonymous said...

the way to outwit monsanto is to do as te Obama's did - have an organic garden (with design to protect from corrupt seeds) - even people in apartments can grow at least some salad greens and herbs (growboxes are great) and/or only buy organic (demand organic) at the grocery or buy at Farmer's markets - the power people can only survive if we buy their stuff. Vote with our $$$ Anonymous above has not been informed of the damages done because of very aggressive suppression of the scientic studies done. How anyone could even consider eating food into which pesticides have been incorpotated is beyond me. Before monsanto at least we could try to wash off the poisons... now we can all be farmers! as long as we keep our day jobs since all the laws are stacked against the real people (vs corportations who pretend)