Friday, June 14, 2013

Snowden Affair - Absolutely Hilarious!

There is nothing entertaining coming out of the entertainment industry, but who cares?  Here we have the Telegraph of London, which keeps a "historian of the USA" on paid staff ( wait, there is more...) who produces and article which posits the Guardian scoop is unravelling.

Now newspapers hate when another gets a scoop.  Not only do people buy more of the other paper and less of the scoopless, it is extremely risky to appear to be unable to provide news.  So far in history, the out-scooped newspapers just grinned and beared it.  Editors threaten to castrate their reporters for not earning their keep, people got slapped around, but never before did a newspaper try to poo poo a story.

Here are the salient points in the article on story "unravelling.":

1. Why did he go to China? Perhaps Snowden simply has the worst lawyers in history?
***Ha ha aha...  Snowden answers this brilliantly.  Perhaps the Telegraph has the worst reporters in history.***
2. Snowden’s backstory is not entirely accurate. Booz Allen says that his salary was 40 per cent lower than thought 
***Hahaha... Booz Allen would say that...  as people contemplate this, and realize a high school drop out can pul down $200K doing contract work with Booz Allen (what does Booz Allen get on top of that), there is going to be some serious review of Booz Allen.  How many high school drop-outs are pulling down $200,000 in taxpayer money to steal taxpayer telephone records?  What is great about doing top secret work is ripping off taxpayer is top secret.  I wonder how much Congressman Peter King gets from Booz Allen.***
3. The administration is pushing back on the definition of what Prism actually is – that it’s not a snooping programme but a data management tool. 
***O!, I see, not snooping, but management.  So that is what the administration is calling it, for this 15 minutes, until they change the story.***

It is hilarious to watch people self-destruct in a desperate attempt to keep their fraud going.  I wonder what the Telegraph is paid to keep a historian of USA on the payroll.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

I think the leaker may actually be a genius, although maybe a little misguided and clueless. Still he was able to get a relatively high-paying job without wasting so much time and money (and massive debt most likely) on getting any college degree with questionable value.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what to make of this article, but I was always thinking that a private or market driven source for traditionally government services (police, defense, retirement funding, insurance, etc.) is preferred. Government is just too susceptible to inefficiency, waste and abuse (remember the IRS and the TEA party shenanigans). Problems just get more entrenched in government. Putting as much as possible in the hands of free men (with free market competition to eliminate what does not work), rather than government, I believe is the more prudent and efficient option, with competent oversight and accountability of course.