Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Tragedy of the Snowden Affair & Business Startup

Anonymous Anonymous said...
$200K a year is a lot for no high school diploma or GED or college degree apparently, even for government work.


The federal government trough is deep and wide indeed.

I got a feeling he got to such a high level because of high talent.  The things he failed at were all things geared toward the lowest common denominator.  I suspect he has native talent that cannot be measured by those systems in which he "failed."  I doubt he would have made $200k outside of government contracting work, but I also expect he would have made far more self-employed.  And there is the real tragedy.  While he was wasting his life setting up storage systems for phone call monitoring for small minds who like to spy on others, the rest of us have been denied the good of his creativity.

There is no national security issue at stake here.  Everyone knows and no one cares.  The "bad guys" already know how to get around our intelligence, and the proof is they defeated us in Vietnam, in Iraq, and have done so in Afghanistan.  They'll do so in Syria.  We never saw the fall of the Berlin Wall coming.  And USA intelligence has no secrets from the Chinese.  All this NSA/CIA/FBI is street theatre, like a TSA line.

And for all of their spying on you and me, and the billions it takes out of our pockets, it cannot spot who was behind the Boston bombings, or 9-11 for that matter, or when their own people go rogue, or any other useful information.  They are just spending money to justify their paychecks.

Snowden said in an interview it would be bad if nothing came of his sacrifice.  Friend, MLKing took a bullet and nothing came of it, outside of a little re-arranging of the deck chairs.  You really think revealing the NSA spies on Americans, something anyone should know, is going to change anything?

If you really do not like the system, then resign.  And do the most revolutionary thing available to a thinking, caring person on planet earth today.  Start a business in USA.  Instead of spending the money on a luxury room in Hong Kong, develop a product or service that builds the economy by giving consumers some solution to a problem.  There is nothing that does more good and aggravates the bad guys (in our own government that you were working for) more than making American a better place.

So those who are thinking about whistleblowing or whatever - do what everyone else with a head on their shoulders does when they realize what they are doing is wrong: resign.  And then start a business. We need you here in business, not hiding out in some South American hacienda, like a German Officer.

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