Sunday, July 7, 2013

Non-Accidental Crashes

We'll no doubt find at some point the crash in San Francisco was a matter of more technology than the decision maker can manage overcame the decision maker.  That's why they call them accidents.

Here is a report on another crash, this one clearly not an accident.

First, notice the only in-depth inquiry we get is some guy in Japan doing whay 60 Minutes should be doing, filling us in on the facts.  Second, it is very level headed, and solid analysis.  The only thing I would challenge is his idea that only USA security elements could benefit from this.  Now ther eis the problem.  In politics terror acts, it can be anyone who did it, because if it looks like "only USA did it" then it is all the more reason from another crew to do it to make USA look bad.  The bottom line is we have too many rogue elements without adult supervisions.

One point the above video makes is how it is possible to remote control cars with all of the new systems on them, they can be hacked and taken over, and as the top intelligence people explain, it is untraceable as to who did it, or even if it was done.  This brought my mind to the problem Toyota was having in 2009 with the "sticky accelerators."

Nothing was ever determined one way or another, but Toyota did do the recall, did make changes, paid out some damages, and went on.  The curious part was Toyota ran into this problem in 2009 when the Big Three automakers were dying and Toyota was thriving.  OK, just a coincidence, but it is motive and means.  And what do you make of the fact that although Toyota sold these cars world wide, only in USA did the accelerator problem occur?

We will never know, and the problem is such actions are plausible.  We are at the point we cannot trust the FBI, prosecutors, judges, no one.  We can see how mafias form, for why would anyone ever talk to law enforcement.  Look what happens to whistleblowers.

Truth Commissions, Independent Commissions on Corruption are needed to get us out of this mess.  And perhaps we need a Hong Kong in USA, like that peninsul upon which Detroit resides.

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