Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Patent Coffin Nails

What do patent attorneys do?  Mostly charge fees for everyone else to waste time.  People are fighting back.

There are a lot of people complaining about lousy software patents these days. I say, stop complaining, and start killing them. It took me about fifteen minutes to stop a crappy Microsoft patent from being approved. Got fifteen minutes? You can do it too.
The other 40,000-odd software patents issued every year are mostly garbage that any working programmer could “invent” three times before breakfast. Most issued software patents aren’t “inventions” as most people understand that word. They’re just things that any first-year student learning Java should be able to do as a homework assignment in two hours.

Join in the fun.  A nice feather in your cap would be to say "Take a look, I fought Bill Gates, and I won."  Do good while doing well.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

According to the patent laws, if the claimed invention is obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art, it can't be patented. Use prior art references (e.g., anything published before the invention or application filing date) to explain why it is obvious. Is there predictability with what is already known in what the inventor is claiming? - this can also be used in formulating an explanation for obviousness.