Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I was thinking about the word prosperity when it dawned on me the root of the word was Latin for "hope."  Interesting if true, so I tried to look it up on the internet.  Again, I find why it is absolutely necessary to have your own library, because of the relentless ignorance of such websites as etymology online.  Thier best effort tells me prosperity comes from the French word prosperite, and so on.  Nice use of technology, fellas.  I've got an American heritage dictionary on my shelf that takes me back to the indo-european root in about 5 seconds.  This is the best I could get on the net in 5 minutes...

mid-15c., from O.Fr. prosperer (14c.), from L. prosperare "cause tosucceed, render happy," from prosperus "favorable, fortunate,prosperous," perhaps lit. "agreeable to one's wishes," from Old L.pro spere "according to expectation," from pro "for" + abl. of spes"hope," from PIE base *spei- "to flourish,


Well... now the that caffeine is kicking in, I'll get back on track.

The root of the word prosperity is hope.  When 101 million American get a check from the government, they have given up hope.  When you read of all the people dependent on this and that, the demand for Romney/Obamacare, these people have given up hope.  None believe that their fellow amn can work it out with them.  Violence and theft are born of lack of hope.

People have an excellent sense of reality, so false hopes do not sell.  If in fact opportunities did open up, the economy was getting better, even if good times had not arrived to any given individual, any genuine hope would be the foundation of prosperity.

If you are an employee, you may be working, but that nervousness about the future?  That's lack of hope.  Lack of prosperity.
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