Tuesday, August 13, 2013

300 Tonnes of Nuclear Waste Today, Everyday from Fukushima

Read all about it, from Mish.  You can thank Uncle Sam and GE for the disaster.  If you let a democracy handle utilities, the design and execution is at its core waste fraud abuse with some electricity or whatever as a by-product.  That we have been lied to everyday by Japanese authorities is no secret, but to what extent do the lies continue?  As long as profits before people is tolerated by the people.

Nuclear energy occurs naturally on earth, and the USA was first to industrialize the natural occurring process, for war.  Of course, like genes, the USA controls God-given gifts with patents.

Japan builds bridges to nowhere and Keynesian Disnelyands of Waste, but cannot get its act together to freeze the ground to protect Japan and the world, while awaiting a fix to be figured out for the problem.

Nuclear power is a great thing, if designed well.  Like cars.  Detroit used to amaze the world with its cars.  Not any more, since GM is government motors.  The Yugo was a disgrace to Yugoslavia, as are the government subsidized  nuclear power plants put out by GE the Yugo of nuclear power.

If we had a free market in nuclear power, we'd have more better cheaper safer faster power.  The time ahs come to open source all patents on nuclear power and eliminate all subsidies and restrictions on the creation and distribution thereof.  People and profits.

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