Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Black Eye For Trader Joe's

It appears an enterprising fellow is filling a need, and very much benefits Trader Joes, but Trader Joes is suing him,
Operating out of a store called Pirate Joe's, Hallatt resells Trader Joe's goods that he drives to Washington to acquire. Hallatt says he is breaking no American or Canadian laws in doing so, as he is allowed to purchase and resell trademarked products as long as they are sold without material change, according to ABC News.
Benefits to Trader Joes.

1. Sales otherwise not gained

2. Free test marketing in a new market.

Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery   To let this go also allows Trader Joes to show a sense of humor.    There is no risk... no downside to Trader Joes.  The BigCorp that bought them is making a mistake.

Now the best part is the fellow would not lose a the lawsuit that Trader Joes is bringing, but of course the fellow could not fight trader Joes in court, who has that kind of money?  But wait, Hallatt's insurance company is stepping in.  Insurance people can smell a buck, so they are helping him mount a counter-suit, because they know they can win.  Yay!  This is how insurance companies are supposed to be, the only law-enforcement a free market needs.

Trader Joes should take a page from Costco.  Costco positively encourages the Hallatts of the world to do their thing.  Here is a page from Costco website:

They have a ten pallet minimum for their special pricing, of if you want less quantity, that is just shop their catalog to fill a 20', they up for that.  Either way, they'll stuff the container, prepare invoice and packing list, and coordinate with your freight forwarder.  Costco provides everything you need.

Perhaps Hallatt could buy container loads from Costco and sell them in a store in BC he calls Lostco...

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