Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Money and No Money

We ascribe many magical things to money.

1. Money can make us happy.

2. We can do things with money.

3. It takes money to make money.

4. Our value can be assessed.

5. We can influence others.

But the fact is, and most people thriving do things without money, make money without money, are happy, have fine self-esteem, and influence others without money.

I do very much know, having been self-employed for forty year, just how dreadful being short of money can be.  People are right to dread that part of being self-employed.  That becomes one of those existential moments you have to deal with in life.  See the Rabbi on that.

People who go into business to make money are a delirious as people who want to do business so they can pay a rent.  Profits measured in money is just another business expense.

I don't teach people how to make money, they can do that without me.  I save people time and money getting to the lifestyle they want, which is made possible by serving others in business.

Right now people want savings coming into a time when savings will not help you.  The only thing that can save you in coming times is the degree to which you are integrated in business with others.  There are your real savings.

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