Sunday, August 4, 2013

Patent Chaos: Apple Banned in USA by Samsung

The throw-away lines in the USConstitution regarding patents were intended to find the right note in prescriptive law providing for the maximum benefit to society.  Never about power or personal wealth.
The law is supposed to bring order to society.  The patent laws bring only chaos.

Samsung, having lost a patent case with Apple, in turn got a ruling forbidding Apple from importing things upon which Apple was infringing on Samsung.  Turnaround is fair play.

Susan Kohn Ross, a partner at the law firm Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, said she was surprised the Obama administration stepped in on the case. Usually, such reviews turn on whether a patent in a case was really infringed, rather than concerns about the kinds of issues laid out in government policy statements.
Either way, this blow to Samsung likely won't have much impact in the bargaining room with Apple, she said. ITC decisions typically don't have as much of an impact in setting legal precedents as rulings in federal courts.
Samsung cannot appeal the veto, but it can continue to press its own court cases against Apple. "Does it in any way end the dispute? No," Ms. Ross said.

But wait, this is USA, so the rules only apply to USA, not to anyone else.  So the president intervenes and overturns the fair play for Samsung.

There are very many reasons why every day more and more people around the world come to hate Americans.  Here is a good example of why.  We do not play fair.

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Anonymous said...

Here is another reason: