Monday, August 5, 2013

Rabbi Daniel Lapin's Online Money Course

I've recommended Rabbi Lapin's books elsewhere, and this free four part video series look pretty good.  The first installment is orientation, and frankly fair warning, as he sets up what is to follow.

Of course since his advice is grounded in the Bible, he has to address the agnostics.  For a minute or so it sounds like he is pandering to the "prosperity theology" Christian preacher men who say "Jesus wants you rich, send me money."  But he beings them in without scaring them away.  He is very good at pedagogy.

I am not qualified to speak from the religious side, but it is gratifying to see he emphasizes the same point I do, and that is you make business by serving others.

I've read some of his other books, and they are all good.    Now I do not agree with everything he has to say, but he is always interesting.  Lapin is controversial within the Jewish community, and I am a little bit surprised to hear him described as "orthodox" when at best I though he was conservative.  Maybe he has stepped up his game.  It has always seemed to me, if you are going to be religious, you ought to be radical about it.

Update:  video two seemed to be more orientation, and now video three is out which seems to be devoted to praising the good Rabbi.  Otherwise content free.  I think video four needs to pay off.  I hope this was not just a long advertisement.

In video three he emphasizes the problem of people who think money or making money is evil.  Hmmm...  that is not such a large group I think, except for those who have sinecures handing out welfare payments, and I doubt any of them will ever care to view the Rabbi's videos.

The other thing is he has people testifying how the Rabbi's teaching led them to wealth.  Hmmm...  I never mention "getting rich"or any such variant in any of my courses, books, headlines, etc, because I never promise that.  People will be successful on their own, I can only save people time and money getting to where they are going anyway.  Then there is the problem that business is about lifestyle, not money.  Not that money is evil, it is just profit is just another business expense, what is left over after you pay the business bills.

Second Update:  I've watched all four.  Turns out it is an elaborate pitch for a paid program he runs.  AS one who runs programs, the series was interesting.  Not interested otherwise....

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