Monday, August 5, 2013

Terror Attack Imminent!

Just when we were getting tired of Security Theatre, al-qaeda plans a major attack!  All the anti-Freedom senators are astonished at the epic nature of the plans!  What started as just a threat to embassies in Moslem countries is now a World Wide Threat!  Even in the "Homeland!"

Können Sie sich vorstellen, was geschehen wäre, wenn diese Drohung nicht auftauchen wollte haben? Verstehst du?!

Who cares if this is just made up for budget reasons!  If it were a real attack, why not just deal with it?!  Who cares if this is a fake attack!? Maybe it is a real one they will let get through, like Boston, or Benghazi, or 9-11!  We have no role, except to be terrified!  And to keep forking over money for security theatre!

Why, without this timely change of topic we may have cut back some budgets on the spitzel-regime!  We can thank our lucky stars that al-qaeda is now on steroids after Benghazi!  Otherwise, no threat, no waste of money!  No cutbacks on freedom!

What we need is some sort of outward sign of our inward terror!   That would prove to the powers that be that we are sincere!  Look at North Korea.  People there act like they believe, see how they cry when a leader dies!

 But that takes too long! We Americans are better than that! We need some sort of quick signal we believe, and care! How about we just wet our pants?

Yes, let's show our leaders we believe!   Let's wet our pants!

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