Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Hypnotherapist Develops a New Product

A fellow took my class with a solution to a problem in mind.  As a hypnotherapist, he saw the blending of technology with practice wold advance the healing process.  But he desired to keep his idea secret for fear of having it stolen.  So he would not be too open:

I would sell them to anyone who wanted to break a habit, like smoking, weight lose or just relax. I'm also a hypnotherapist so I could provide programing for each of these areas.

Or they could create their own script and re-program their own subconscious.

So I asked who he thought his customers would be.

I think stores that sell New Age type books and videos like East West book store,float centers,Brookstone, or any store that sell high tech gadgets for executives. 

I think any store that sell vision light therapy boxes could carry it.

So I told him to go and try to BUY his idea from those customers.

I've been getting really positive feedback on my idea. It took me going in the stores in order to better understand what I was really talking about. 

I was trying to create a Swiss army knife of tools for therapist. But I found out that each one of them are great tools by themselves and they are all using the same video glasses just modified for different uses. 

*Bio Feedback
*Vision Therapy

What I found is any store that sells anything related to ways spritual healing or high tech toys was really excited. I even had someone say when I find one bring it back and show them.

So he finds what happens when idea meets customer.  The customer sorts him out as to applicability and so much more.  Plus, not how he is no longer desiring to keep his idea secret.   He gets far more valuable info far earlier by revealing his idea.  Now keep in mind, he approached the stores as a customer, not a supplier, since he is not a supplier as of yet. If the product proved to already exist, he would be a customer.

Question: I trying to find the best place to have it made. It has two components. Video glasses and EEG combined with software. 

I've seen the video glasses before but they would have to be modified significantly to be used for any of the things I've mention. 

Should I focus on the easiest item in the line to create item first? Which would be to modify the video glasses for meditator or anyone having difficulty learning how.

When you are combining two components to make your device do I focus on the place that has the best management? 

Example Video Glasses and EEG Devices?

To which I replied:  “Of the two components, which will will require the most change.  There is your target supplier...”

First off, after reading some of the articles about monopolies and Open Source products which I absolutely love I've expanded my view about what protection means and I would love for you post what I'm doing on your blog. 

The shift!  No longer fear-based development, but customer based!

I've started doing my research and was have trouble finding the correct HTS number. So I got as close as I could using what I learn from pdf and called a customs broker to help narrow down number. 

He sent me all the forms I need but he thinks the product may have to be registered with FDA. He is researching that for me. 

I'm also certain when I connect the EEG to the  glasses the FDA may be involved because of possible side effects. 

I started building spreadsheet but ran into a problem when I got to column H. I wasn't sure about where to get quantity from.

Data was easy to get.

This is fun!!!!

Talk to you tonight

We worked out the problems he was having in trade data research.

I'm combining the features of 4 different tools and making one. 

This is very doable but I'm not sure how to proceed so I'm buying all the parts and build a crude device to test the concept. 

Then I can look for supplier and designer. 

Do you think that's a good plan or do you think I should just find the supplier first?

To which I replied: I think tinkering with a prototype is a good idea since you have so many moving parts...  there is an argument that "too much new" scares people away, so intro just one step new, and then go from there based on success upon success.  What you may actually have after you put the thig together, a road map for product development with first iteration coming out this september and once a year over the next five years...  think how apple goes from strength to strength...

and did you say I could blog this progress?

Your suggestions makes a lot of since and of course I would love for you to blog about my progress. 

I agree, people are afraid of too much newness so I will start with what got everyone excited when I talk with them, easy ways to relax and meditate.

Technologically this would be much easier to build than incorporating a EEG device.

I could create two products by just having two types of glasses and using the same controller for both.

I can have a working  prototype built by September and it shouldn't be that difficult. The glasses is the most expensive part, "$100-$200", and the micro controller is only $30. 

I will set a goal the having a prototype completed by September 14th. 
Talk with you on Wednesday.


I really enjoyed the class and I think I've worked out a big of my prototyping problem by joining some forms and asking question. Now I know where to start looking for solutions.

 Now that schools out I have some time to dedicate to it.

Thanks for you help,

Success!  .  I cannot make anyone successful, I only help people save time and money geting where they would go anyway.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

uh-oh, the FDA? If one is trying to develop a medical treatment or device, can this be a problem?