Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Architecture and Anarchy

The Hanseatic League is an example, albeit with many caveats, of anarchy in action.  It was an international free trade association that provided its own laws and defense.  The main thing is the league was voluntary...
Assemblies of the Hanseatic towns met irregularly in Lübeck for a Hansetag (Hanseatic Diet), from 1356 onwards, but many towns chose not to send representatives and decisions were not binding on individual cities.
It's strength was free trade among members, that strength gave it power, and that power was  abused to gin monopolies, which invited resistance from outsiders, and its ultimate demise.  The Hanseatic League had equal rights in England and free trade outside of England, which put English traders at a disadvantage.  Of course, instead of expanding free trade, the State solution is to inhibit trade for all.

The English did have their version not so much of the League, but a prototypical anarchist association, chartered by the King.  To be no + king (an + archy) you have to get the Kings permission.  Go figure.

But the point of this post is the kind of achitecture needed to support free trade and economic expansion (as well as never take advantage of the power you get from free trade.  Keep it free for all.)

Check out the images you see of Hanseatic League housing, in city after city.  What do you see?  Charming old houses.  With cranes coming out of the roof.  For hoisting shipments to the upper floors.  People lived in their businesses (of course).  We had this in USA, but we tore most of it down in pursuit of collectivization in USA.

Vietnam's economy is recovering from the American war.  Take a look at their business districts.  they still have plenty of the right architecture.

Look at what architecture we offer the poor in USA, those who need a helping hand.

Well, they look like modern warehouses, and we are blowing them up like you saw on 9-11, since they are all so very bad.

If we want to "build infrastructure" for economic recovery, we should build home-businesses like these
in places like this,  (look at all that empty land after city policy ruined a thriving neighborhood) after bankruptcy and the cities that caused the destruction disappear... and then declare the districts "anarchy league" zones.  

 Country'll grow.

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