Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Autism And Profits

Like GMO, science on Autism is actively suppressed so we don't really know.  Like cigarettes, we think the reason science is suppressed is because the science might show something that threatens profits.

Or worse, threatens the agenda of the Nation that introduced The Tuskegee Experiments which were copied and expanded by the Nazi and Japanese War regimes.

Here is an essay on autism that is worth a read.
I’ve been investigating the medical establishment for a decade. I’ve seen many people – many children – murdered, coldly, by the pressing hands of the pharmaceutical establishment. I’ve met doctors too frightened, anxious or self-important to take the two hours (or two minutes) required to understand a few points on vaccine or drug toxicity. Indeed, I’ve met them many times.
What this essay leaves out is the argument that we need these vaccinations and inoculations to keep us from going back to the times of polio, Spanish flu, mass tuberculosis, smallpox, etc.  The argument is we need herd vaccination or the lone non-vaccinated may introduce the disease.   Anyone who is not vaccinated is a "free-rider" and a threat to the community.  Submit!

This and any other argument the "doctors" offer is sheer nonsense.    We vaccinate for what, a dozen?, possible diseases, and some of the vaccines are known to be scientifically pointless, no question about it, such as Gardasil.

The reality is there are a billion wicked little things that can kill us if our immune systems are weakened.  This is usually dealt with by drugs or whatever, but a crisis occurs when there is mass immuno-deficiency, most particularly at times of war.  Wars, among so many other problems, generally degrades trade, and consumes resources for the warriors.  Slowly but surely all immune systems degrade.  Yes, the vaccinations work, on that for which we are vaccinated.  But in times of peace we do not need them, and in times of war something else, besides the dozen for which we were vaccinated, will get us, if we do not starve to death or are bombed first.  All those kids in Africa who were innoculated for malaria died of dysentary.  How about we be a little slower in making war, and not so fast in selling drugs.

Although war is the problem, not the bugs that can kill us, we cannot hope that there will be no more war.  But we should not pretend that vaccinations are the solution to a problem.  Those who subscribe to vaccination hold onto a false hope, so desperate that they want violence brought on those who do not also vaccinate.  (And of course there are those who want the money from the vaccination, and then the money for the autism drugs.)

I love the discovery of inoculation, and the science behind it.  If and when an epidemic breaks out, I'll be the first to dip my needle in your sore and stick myself (variolation), and take my chances.  I like my whiskey neat, too.  What I think is crazy is the cocktail of wild, uncontrolled and dangerous ingredients floating in what BigPharma sells.  Not for me or mine.

Force the Gardasil on your kids if you want, which is ignorantly cruel, but it goes too far when it is forced on everyone.  Better than the regime we have now would be deregulation of medicine.  With a little freedom and competition, we'd see more, better, cheaper, faster disease control.

 Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

I also really do not like fluoridation of the public water supply.

Also, did you know that flu vaccination can result in paralysis? I no longer get the flu vaccine every year. I've never had the flu and I'm healthy.