Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chris Norstrom Learns Much

And then he shares it.

The main reason I do not claim to own anything I teach is because I learned it from others and then it worked for me too.  Next, others learn the same things doing it on their own, like Chris.  The only thing I can do is save people time and money.

It is absolutely fun to read step by step what I already teach, and then the conclusions Chris reaches.  His graph on process could be taken from this blog or my classes.

He is a believer in IPR, but note how he seems to be naturally drifting away.  He'll get to hating IPR eventually, but that will take time.

Also, he left out YahooStores as a ecommerce platform, which I have found for over a decade to be a gem.

That he finds GoogleAds is an utter waste of time only for terrible execution of interface is a universal experience.  What is wrong at Google internally that this is not fixed?

The idea of customer centered, self-financed, it is encouraging to see this being rediscovered.

Give him a read...

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

What about Google Analytics? Can this service be useful?