Saturday, September 28, 2013

Detroit to Freeze Pensions

What will you do when the payments stop?
DETROIT — Detroit’s emergency manager proposed freezing pension benefits for some current city workers starting in 2014 and will launch a two-month probe into the city’s dysfunctional and error-prone handling of employee benefits.
OK, they go after the fraud first.  Even if the money is fraudulently gained, it is still useful, and what will you do when it sopts?  What is your alternative?

Eventually, the people who played by the rules (but should ahve known the promisese were impossible to keep) will find the payments stop.  then what?

If you spent thirty years in a city job destroying entrepreneurs, when the payments stop, where will you go for work, in your retirement?

Better figure out a job now, begin to undo some of the damage done.  If you are still working for the state, review my blog for ideas on how to make a switch to customer employment.

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