Monday, September 9, 2013

Islam Is The Religion of Peace

Forty years ago, in New York's Attica State Prison, forty people were killed in an uprising that saw many "corrections officers" taken hostage.    Those corrections officers were protected largely by the Muslim inmates.

It was believed that a group of Muslims were responsible for the uprising and the harm of the hostages, when in fact the group of Muslims was protecting the hostages from other inmates. The leader of the Muslims even told the other inmates that if any of the inmates tried to hurt the hostages, that they would "kill [the inmates involved] or die protecting the hostages." The court in Al Jundi v. Mancusi, 113 F.Supp.2d 441 wrote:[20][21]

A number of former Muslim inmates testified that they had been singled out for "special" brutal treatment by troopers and prison officers because they had played an active role in protecting the hostages during the four days before the retaking. Because a number of militant inmates were prepared to do harm to the hostages, Frank "Big Black" Smith, in conjunction with the Muslim leadership, implemented a plan to secure the safety of the hostages during negotiations.[22]

The corrections officers who did die died at the hands of the State Troopers and other Corrections Officers who stormed the prison and retook it it, not allowing negotiations to resolved the crisis.

Imagine that, Muslims who want peace, and the powerful who would rather shoot first, negotiate later.

But then Muslims are adherents to the religion of peace, and they are good at bringing order out of chaos.  History is full of such examples, if anyone wants to look for it.

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