Friday, September 6, 2013

Russell Brand Tweaks Hugo Boss

Far too many businesspeople are indiscriminate in their acceptance of orders.  One wonderful thing about USA, or once upon a time in USA, was you could refuse to serve anyone you like.   Fashion House Hugo Boss has some political associations:
By the late Twenties, the growing Nazi Party had become a good client. And when the Party supplied Hugo Boss (as it did other manufacturers) the production templates for its uniforms, it appears that Boss did not see the relationship in anything but commercial terms. 
But who doesn't?   Some more than others, but it is hard for anyone in any regime not to participate to some extent.  I use USMail subsidies, media rate, to mail my books.  Thank you, taxpayers.  I don't have a choice as to using the roads, but I do regarding the mails.  (Strange too, since media rate only benefits my customers,  not me...  my customers would pay whatever for the book freight.)

USA must borrow 55 cents out of every dollar is spends.  China will not lend us that money unless the Feds can credibly pay it back.  Our system, with the wars, "programs", taxes, etc, provides that credibility.    (China has said no to USA conquering Syria, we must pay it back without owning Syria, so says China and Russia.)

So as long as we can reasonable pay it back, we'll get the loans.  So what we enjoy, is paid for by wars, etc.  We are all complicit as hell.

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