Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bugging the Pope

Angela Merkel is outraged to learn her personal cell phone is tapped by the NSA.  Notice how she had not much to say when millions of Germans were tapped by the NSA.    But to find out they tapped her too... well.

The irony is it is not as though she would say anything anyone could not predict.  Tapping Angela's phone would be like tapping Rush Limbaugh's radio show.  Why?  You know what will be said.

The real problem is for businesses, working with the say, the Chinese, to have their trade secrets intercepted to the advantage of USA business.  Don’t think it does not happen.  Yes, it is funny when China tut tut's the USA actions, since they probably are tapping the NSA.  I still think it significant that neither China nor Russia snatched Snowden.  Nobody cared about helping him because they already had everything he had.

The only people who are kept in the dark by USA secrecy is the USA citizen.

Now we learn the NSA spied on the Pope.

No one gets fired...  If obama did not know, then Clapper and Alexander need to lose their jobs, spend some time in jail.  If Obama did know, they need to lose their jobs at least for failing to say no.

The Vatican has an interesting response.
Asked about the espionage claims, Federico Lombardi, the Vatican’s spokesman, said: “We have heard nothing of this and in any case we have no concerns about it.”
That is devastating.  Connie Rice when desiring to brush up her image while secretary of state gave the Vatican a call for an appointment with the Pope.  Since she was involved in promoting a criminal war in Iraq, the Vatican declined.  Her imaged was further in disarray.  The Vatican has the best diplomatic corp on earth.  To be deemed "of no concern" is to be royally dismissed.  The Vatican is viewing the best of what USA can offer as Childish.  As truly it is.

The entire point of this scandal is to put everyone on earth, everyone in power, including Popes past and present, that a few lifers in the USA "national security apparatus" have the dirt on every single person with any power on earth.  The scandal is a back door way to announce that "resistance is futile"  USA rules the airwaves.  Do as we say or we will out you and that dead girl or live boy in your past (or present).  That it is a worldwide blackmail is pretty clear.

The Vatican's laconic response may be a form of passive aggressive offense: ho hum.  Come and get us.  See what happens.

In this scenario, Edward Snowden may actually be a pitch-perfect agente-provocateur, revealing precisely what those gnomes with the data want released.  A world that fell for Sergey and Brin as brilliant entrepreneurs as opposed to In Q Tel central casting figures, which also falls for Lady Gaga (who went to the same summer camp as the Google lads) would fall for a Edward Snowden as hero.

What is also childish is something I am always astonished to see, people who think messages can be encrypted and note broken.  Perhaps there are some scientists who can make their own unbreakable codes, but is they sent anything of any interest some hard boys would show and get the key.  Silly to think otherwise.  If you get your "unbreakable" code from any source except do it yourself, that source would not exist in USA without the provider giving the key to the spooks.

I had a conversation with a fellow that told me he did ll of his communication on Skype since there is no way to hack it or spy on it.  OK, if you need to believe that.

No one gets fired, so we are let in on the practice, a scandal erupts, and then we settle down to the new normal.  Such is a democracy.  Now, in a Kingdom, it is different.  In Luxembourg vs USA, when there is a spy scandal, the entire government resigns.

That sounds about right.  Why can't we have that?

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