Monday, October 7, 2013

Swiss Welfare & Interesting Reform Ideas

You may have read this article about an initiative in Switzerland to offer a guaranteed SF2500 per citizen:
Some 120,000 Swiss signatories have put their names to a petition demanding a monthly minimum wage of $2,800 (2,500 Swiss francs) for every single member of the working adult population. Enough names have been collected for a government vote.
Now note that is a minimum wage law, a terrible idea in its own right, but interesting in that the taxpayers, not the employers will make the contribution.  If you want to guarantee everyone has a living wage, guarantee everyone has freedom.  But that is for another day.

This initiative is a terrible idea, but one that offers interesting ideas.

What if we were to reform welfare in this manner:  We take the entire population of USA, divide it by all money spent on welfare programs including medicare and social security, we end up with about $6500 each person a year.  Now, I don't know if when they say "money spent on welfare" they mean the overhead costs too...  that is to say if we spend a billion on some program how much gets into the hands of the beneficiaries and how much gets into the hands of administrators.  But let's say the $6500 is $6000 beneficiary and $500 admin, for sake of argument.

Now, how do we define welfare?  Do we include "free" education?  Military?  I mean, the provision of "defense" is a form of welfare, no?   Here they say all government income in USA in 2014 will be about $6 trillion.  All right, so depending on how your define welfare, spending is somewhere between $6500 and $19,500 for every man woman and child in USA.

 In any event, let's say we come up with a definition.  And then we take that total amount and divide it by all USA citizens.  Let's say it is $12,000.  So what we do is we scrap every program, send all these unessential workers home, and simply mail out checks to every man, woman and child, to do with what they want.  We cut out the overhead of "programs' and each individual decides what to do with the money in hand.  People who don't want it can send it back to pay down the debt, of pass it off to someone else or a charity.  Sure, some people will blow it, but that happens now anyway with welfare. Who knows, some may pledge it to the army or whatever they want to do with the money.

Now, you might say decisions to collect and distribute money in our system is up to congress.  Yes, but clearly we are to big and too complex to leave such issues to congress.  By having 250 million people decide how to spend 1/350 millionth of the budget each, it is cheap, fast and effective form of democracy.

But then what about congress?  Well, they can continue to be pointless, as they have been for so very long.

OK, don't like it?  What is YOUR plan.  Everything else on offer is ridiculous.

Here is another idea.  When it comes to welfare, the real money goes to welfare queens like Boeing and Archer Daniels Midland.  Their existence assures poverty since they monopolize categories and crowd out innovation and small business opportunity.

So, start by taking the biggest welfare programs for business, and end the subsidies or specially-pled regulations.  And what those companies disappear, and, say in the case of Boeing, 100 new airplane companies emerge where there was once just Boeing.  (Boeing is really just a dozen K Street Lobbyists and 3000 subcontractors, so if you doubt the reality of this scenario of 100 companies replacing the one in the slightest, then you have no idea how business works in USA.)

Now, as the massive welfare queens deflate for lack of Cheetos and Pepsi (corporate style), new jobs are opened by those who are now finally allowed to contribute to wealth creation in the USA.  And here wealth defined not as how much money one person has, but weal as in commonweal, the range of goods and services affordable to the widest group of people.

So as we work down from top to bottom, getting rid of welfare, by the time we close the last SNAP office and shut off the EBT funds, the people whose only possibility was welfare will have businesses begging them to come to work at thriving wages (if not limitless opportunities to start their own companies.)

This is a good, workable idea, but we have government for government's sake, and those who ascend to the commanding heights are motivated by libido dominandi.  They will not relinquish poser, and they are supported by vast swathes who cry out "we want a king to fight our battles for us..."

Here are our politicians giving a standing ovation to the police who killed a woman who panicked in the confusing capital labyrinth.    Notice also the congresswoman of some African heritage standing to applaud the execution of a woman of African heritage.

Steny Hoyer applauds the idea of human sacrifice, people who die so his life can be better.  This is all so Aztec.  the only question is which culture actually kills more: Aztec or American?  Let the scholars debate the point.

The Tuskegee Experiments were also peopled by researchers of African heritage.   Now this is not to single out people of African heritage, for all nations experience people selling their own down the river, never in history has it been otherwise.  Currently Irish politicians are selling the Irish down the river.

What the powers that be can always depend on, is people selling their own down the river.  The trick is to never give anyone else the power to sell you down the river.

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