Thursday, October 3, 2013

Von Mises Institute, Comfort to 'Shroom Dealers

FBI, TSA, DHS and so on cannot catch a Boston Bomber, let alone the Kenya Mall Ten, but they spare no expense at tracking down a Magic Mushroom dealer.  And they get some guilt by admiration:
Among them, according to the viewing history, was economics. In particular, Mr Ulbricht's account had "favourited" several clips from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a renowned Austrian school of economics.
Now, little if any of this story sounds likely, and the use of English is atrocious, so it is probably a planted article, meant to show us all of this spying pays off.  All of that time, effort, creativity to track down very talented and smart people trading dope online.

I am much influenced by Austrian School of Economics, except for its tolerance of usury (no school has the whole picture) and a school that has no use for drug laws would of course be of interest to drug dealers.

We are being treated to 24/7 Government as Theatre in USA.  Nothing is believable.  We are in the Soviet System where we check in on the news to see what the "Line" is, and not what the facts are.

I can see no other way out except truth commissions.

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