Sunday, October 13, 2013

When Robots Take Over Your Job

Robots are doing surgery and making cars and picking fruit, which benefits mankind tremendously.  Prince Kropotkin worried terribly about mechanization and the division of labor, what with people stuck in dead-end manual position for a career.

People somehow imagine a job that pays nominally $50 an hour is a good thing, but they do not subtract out the fact that the pensions to which they contributed from the funds earned in the paycheck will not be there.  people who think they made $50 an hour for years must adjust that to $30/hour, and realize that that have long since spent everything they made, and spent it on things of inflated prices given the malinvestment in the auto industry, among other debacles.

But Kropotkin did not have the benefit of reviewing Bastiat, who talked about Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas.   What is seen and what is not seen.  People who are starting businesses can in no way see what is coming.  Steve Jobs might start a computer company, but no way saw in time he would drop "computer" form the company name and be the #1 telephone salesman in the world   When Jobs started Apple, there was no such thing as a telephone salesman, anywhere in America.  He could not possibly see what was in the future.  But he could form an idea, and build on it, and do good.

Politicians are limited to offering visions of free $#!+, which is extremely attractive to people who have had any creativity of hope beaten out of them.  And for the second time this week Xerox has showed people who depend on free $#!+ a glimpse of their future.

The USA is so advanced at crushing hopes and dreams, that the situation is probably irreversible.  But let me give you some examples of what people would be doing if they were not living off EBT cards and working at $50/hour assembly jobs:

Spokeless bicycle.

Drunk-proof keyhole.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

Where are these pictures from? Hammacher Schlemmer catalog?