Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why We Need Free Trade in Medicine

We are told we have the best health care in the world.  And too few can access it.  So we need to make access more better cheaper faster.  Chairman Mao orders China to produce more better cheaper faster.  He could not get it to happen.  Deng Xiaoping ordered more freedom, China got more better cheaper faster.

Do we have the best?  You think a patient gone missing for 17 days found dead in a stairwell will no longer happen?  Been to a hospital lately?  See what collectivization does?  You get more of what you subsidize.

If doctors cannot practice medicine for the rules and regs that destroyed the business, they lose hope and at the same time scamsters enter the field:
study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that profits urologists make from referring patients to their own radiation facilities play an outsized role in the treatment decisions. One third of men whose doctors own radiation equipment get the therapy at a cost of about $35,000 per treatment course. The same doctors prescribed the therapy for just 13 percent of their patients before they had their own equipment and could profit directly. Read more at
At the same time, it's all your fault!
However, the CDC director explained that people have fueled the fire of bacterial resistance through rampant overuse and misuse of antibiotics....Srinivasan added that pharmaceutical companies are at least partially to blame for this problem, saying that they have neglected the development of new and more sophisticated antibiotics that could keep up with bacterial resistance because ‘there’s not much money to be made’ in this field.

Read more: 
Do you recall ever asking to be overprescribed for antibiotics?  Now, also note, "there's not much money to be made" by welfare queen billionaires, but plenty of money to be made by you and me selling the immediate solution in bacteriophages, if we had freedom in USA.  You and I do not require 50 million cash a year to show up for our jobs.

Also note the Surgeon General of the United States does not mention this option.

All those hoping for single payer health care can look forward to UK style medicine, where the doctors a paid a bounty to give mom a nudge into "no care."

And this from Syria:

Ten cases of polio have been confirmed among children in the war-torn Syria, the first ever reported in the Middle East country since 1999 and making it an urgent task to vaccinate Syrian children against the epidemic, the United Nations said Tuesday. 

What we need is no war, not vaccinations.  The UN must condemn USA meddling in that country, with USA supporting Al Qaeda with weapons and intelligence, the side that will not destroy the chemical weapons.  This is exhibit A why the vaccination initiatives must be resisted: there is no upside, and if there are wars, vaccination does no good anyway.

After WWII, the damage done when on for decades, with polio as one example.  But but but what would happen if we did not have the government to make all decision for us?

No idea... thing like this:
The carpenter lost two fingers and mangled two more on his right hand. While still in the hospital, he was determined to find a way to get back to work. Eventually, solving his own problem led him to work with a stranger on the other side of the world to create a mechanical hand using a 3-D printer. Other prosthetics, including a lower jaw, have been made with the technology before, but making a hand is particularly tricky.Read more at

With Romney/Obamacare, or single payer which is next after we get done blaming the black guy, expect far more of the bogus treatments as above and outlawing $5 prostethic hands.  And NO bacteriophages.  You'll need to be in int'l trade to get competent healthcare, so you can travel to where there is freer trade in medicine.

We could turn our economy around if we deregulated health care.

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Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the idea that businesses need the State for advances in healthcare especially (or example, the NIH and DARPA) is more entrenched and persistent than ever.