Thursday, November 7, 2013

MOQ FOB Comes To Canada!

I am the first to say nothing I teach is original to me.  I learned it from others.  It worked when I tried.  As a part time lecturer I come across the science that backs up what is works in the field.

(I may be original on my description of the symbiotic relationship between the small biz and big biz, innovator/conservator nexis and many subsequent observations, but I dare no claim it for no doubt immediately thereafter someone will find a book I checked out of a library that explained it first, that I had forgotten.)

Here is an article out of Canada, courtesy of Kevin, which, well... read on...
One B.C. entrepreneur who has established a foothold in the Indian retail market is Karnail Singh Sidhu, managing director of Kalala Organic Estate Winery in West Kelowna. A small shipment — 200 cases — of Kalala wine hit shelves in Bangalore this year and Sidhu said he and his partners have further plans to open a Canadian wine bar in the city.
What do you see?  It is exactly the MOQ FOB tactic.  I am pretty sure Mr. Singh has not ever heard of me or encountered what I teach, but there he is, employing the tactic.  Being both common sense and no secret, you'll see it pop up where people are successful.

The article describes tactic, but does not get to attitude.  That is harder to pass on, and I suspect that for those who naturally gravitate to the tactic, they already have the attitude.

So yes, MOQ FOB can be found anywhere, you may intuit it yourself or learn it elsewhere.  For my part it is fun to help others grow their biz, and I may contribute something unique by passing on the right attitude to match the tactic.

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