Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Gift of ADD/ADHD

Doctors are becoming ever more perplexed as to why ever more people are questioning their judgment.  Perhaps it is because ever more doctors are becoming soldiers in the fight for social engineering.

Parents face implacable social forces who want to make money off their children.  This needs to be said.
According to the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), nearly one in 11 American children aged 13-18 and one in 25 adults are affected by ADHD.
The analysis noted that Ritalin and other drugs were meant to be used only for "severe" ADHD symptoms, which according to research data only occur among about 14 percent of children with the condition.
Yet "about 87 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD in the US in 2010 subsequently received medication," it said, warning of "unnecessary and possibly harmful medication treatment".
The study said the main ADHD drugs could have side effects like weight change, liver damage and dwelling on suicide. And the drugs' long-term impact, as a child moves into adulthood, remained unknown.
The study, led by Rae Thomas at the Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice at Australia's Bond University, did not dispute the existence of ADHD as a medical condition.
It noted that children who genuinely had a severe form of it ran the risk of failure at school and of social rejection.
One in eleven.  There are zero children who need Ritalin.  There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance until the doctors introduce a chemical imbalance.  There are plenty of kids who are rambunctious, or mature at a different pace, and so what if they face "social rejection"  or face "failure at school."  We all face some social rejection, that's part of life, and no one faces total social rejection.  Failing at school is a problem of how schools operate.  So homeschool the gifted child.  Failing at school is no indicator of future success.  25% of our people drop out, and most do just fine.  Finishing school signifies nothing.

If you look at all these people who go to gun-free zones and starting shooting the place up, they have all had these treatments.  Talk about facing social rejection and doing poorly at school.  I call eleven dead doing poorly at school.

We have drug companies that attract soul-dead welfare queen executives, and parents who think of their kids as a consumer item... or a pet.  "Let's load junior up with whatever..."  Or at best, parents who have no idea who they are up against.

If your kid is on Ritalin, well, you've been had.  Get very expert help on getting your kid off Ritalin, and out of the system.  The stuff is extremely dangerous, and all the doctors know it.    So why do they prescribe it like "an aspirin and rest"?

If your kid acts up at school and faces social rejection, rejoice.  You have a gifted child.  Homeschool the kid, or sail around the world.  Whatever you do, do not drug the kid.  We need eery single one of those kids with the gift of ADD/ADHD. Change your life to organize around the gift.  Do not drug him.

Have a heart.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

The same thing is going on with the drive to get more people on statin drugs - this is very sinister by the drug companies.

Statin drugs are actually very dangerous. The human body actually needs and makes cholesterol in order to function properly. SERIOUSLY DO NOT CONSIDER TAKING ANY STATIN DRUG.

Anonymous said...

Also see Sally Fallon's website above on cholesterol.

"Many people who feel perfectly healthy suffer from high cholesterol--in fact, feeling good is actually a symptom of high cholesterol!"

By the way, I eat plenty go organic bacon and free-range chicken eggs everyday and I'm doing fine.

Anonymous said...

We need high cholesterol:

Unbelievable. I'm really disgusted with these drug companies. I think I will write a strongly worded letter to them indicating my concern and displeasure, and my local newspapers too.