Monday, December 9, 2013

47% of 18 -29 Year Olds Would Vote to Recall Obama?

After I wrote a blogpost complaining about how the quality of hand can openers had gone downhill in this economic downturn, I reflected on how much I sounded like the crotchety old men of my youth.  They would say things like defeat "medicare, or we'll end up with the government in charge of medicine!  Keep us on the gold standard!  Or we'll fall into poverty!"  The young just laughed, and the majority who want a king to fight their battles for them just went along.

Well, those oldsters were right.

Seymour Hirsch has a backstory regarding the Syria "crisis" las summer which shows what only the USA people were not supposed to hear, and that is the rebels we support were by far the most likely to have lobbed the sarin gas, and it is almost impossible for Assad to have done so.  We are so ill served by our government and press.  That Kerry and Obama were playing fast a loose with info is appalling, when war was at stake.

I am convinced that Obama was run to reach the disaffected liberal base in 2008, and then the four years of new youth voters in 2012.  Mission accomplished.  How come?

The reason is that in a confidence game is it critical to instill confidence in the mark.  Mamet lays this out well in his movie the House of Games.  Obamacare is a scam in which the oldsters are supposed to welcome the youngsters being mulcted for "free medical care."  The youngsters are supposed to be excited about this prospect, since they too will get better care for cheaper.  Yay!  The bet here is the young are very stupid.

Mish highlighted an article that shows  47% of 18-29 year olds today would vote to recall Obama.  49% think we are on the wrong track.  57% disapprove of Obama as president and 56% disapprove of the affordable care act, and some 45% say they will not sign up.

Whole lotta civil disobedience ahead.

These are the numbers based on the execrable rollout of he ACA. Romeny/Obamacare supporters assure everyone that once it is up and working, everyone will love it.   OK...  what if that too turns out to be as false as every other Federal promise, such as Assad launched the attack?

In the meantime it is clear that the better care in USA is being systematically excised for only the elite, for example, Seattle Childrens Hospital is excluded, just as the elite in countries with single-payer health care come to USA, from say Canada, the UK, etc for health care.

Then where will those numbers go?  Then where will people go to fix a system that has been through a blender?

This does not look good for the State and its minions.

Better get self-employed so you can get your own healthcare.

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